Friday, June 5, 2009

Baking brownies.... & making choc candy...

Salam all,
***xtually i dah type panjang2 for this entry...
tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii my comp hang & x save my entry...
arghhh tension... Intan dh tak ingat dh apa yg Intan type tadi.. why laaaa this always hapen to me...





ok la... to make the story short... jup lagi i nak buat cokelat candy...



tunggguuuuuu ek pix baru biler cekelat i dh siap... he he he he




: bahan2 tuk buat choc candy for my weekend project :

1. candy melts ( Pink & Brown )
2. Plastic mold
: cuppies yg sedap, ku beli sebelah kedai cake tadi yang hanya akan menambahkan berat bdn ku nih :

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